Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Review by Anders Wik and Erik Nilsson Ranta of Moviemix

Schindlers list is made with a mixture of traditional filming and about 40% of handheld camera shots, This is to give the movie a more documentary feel to it, which together with the black and white color is stunningly beautiful. Many of the scenes look exactly like taken out of the elementary and junior high school documentaries, commonly watched in Europe. The music and footage is phenomenal and of course the acting. Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler is brilliant. His facial expressions are in many cases very precise to the actual pictures taken of Oskar Schindler in the 1940s. Ralph Fiennes, as Amon Goeth, the SS officer is also fantastic, really personifying evil. He had to gain 26 pounds in order to play the part which kind of looks somewhat awkward but the overall performance is great. Ben Kingsley as Itzhak Stern is also wonderful. The filth, stress and chaos from living in the ghettos can be seen in traces of Kingsley´s face. Most of the small parts are done very well too. Schindlers list is easily said a masterpiece from a theatrical standpoint. There are, according to many sources some inaccuracies in scenes and details but it is a Hollywood production from the director of E.T. so that can be overseen. The movie received 7 Oscars in 1993, one of which was for best picture. If you want to see a movie about the holocaust, or if you want to study this part of history, watching this movie is a great way to start.

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